Turning Stone Event Center
The events center is directly connected to the existing 800-seat showroom. Comprising over 50,000 square feet of space, the events center will include fixed seating for 2,000 on the north and south mezzanine and an additional 3,000 on telescoping and loose chairs on the main floor. The center will host pop concerts, boxing, indoor sporting events, trade shows, conventions, and gaming competitions.
A modular, stepped grid nested within the bottom chord of the roof trusses allowed rigging over any point on the main floor without intruding upon the architectural design. Removable structural steel grating sections permit technicians access and allow equipment to be hoisted through the grid and suspended from it.
Theater Design provided theater planning and designed the theatrical systems infrastructure. In addition, we designed the architectural lighting (task and ambient) within the center
Event Center
Verona, NY
Brennan Beer Gorman/ Architects